I got approved for a credit card through Sovereign Bank, less than a month after getting my horrible BoA "loan" (which it wasn't…it was a line of credit w/a variable rate…it was at 22% but I digress) BT'd to a Discover loan (which is an actual installment loan with a fixed 10.99% rate).
I also got my line of credit on my Best Buy card raised (there is no balance on the card, and probably never will be, but more credit = better utilization scores).
So in less than a month I transferred $13,000 off the BoA line of credit… that line of credit is still open and is a credit line of $23,300. I got approved for a $15,000 loan from Discover which has since been paid down to $12,500 AND got approved for an $1800 increase with Best Buy and a $5000 Sovereign card.
My utilization has never been better.
I should be rid of unsecured debt within 2 years. Then I may or may not start overpaying my car loan depending on how much I have in savings. It will be almost done at that point anyway.
Unsecured debt and building up savings are my priorities right now. (The car is at like 2% interest so I'm just not that concerned).
@At this point my unsecured debt totals:
$12,500 on the Discover Loan at 10.99%
@My savings totals:
$3055 (I really REALLY need to work on this)
My March Ebay totals came to $387. Short of my $400 goal. I might take some stuff to Bullmoose (cds, video games) to sell on Saturday to try and make up the extra to get to $400 from selling stuff before April 1st. I don't need that much so it could happen.
April Ebay I am going to start off with a collectible item which I think could bring over $100 by itself. We shall see.
I might lower my goal for April to $350 but I hate lowering my standards.
Approvals, Utilization, Status & Sales
March 26th, 2010 at 02:45 pm
March 26th, 2010 at 09:10 pm 1269637808
March 27th, 2010 at 02:20 am 1269656417
March 27th, 2010 at 03:57 pm 1269705469